Embassy of Foreign Artists     



Scientific research has always carried with it the greatest hopes and the greatest perils for humanity. Every great discovery opens the doors to a world of new possibilities. The current pandemic and the mistrust of vaccination show the importance of improving communication about research in biotechnology and neuroscience and its applications in the health, food and new technology sectors.

 Artists have an important role to play through their ability to link stories and phenomena, through their capacity to popularise the research in which they are involved, but above all, because they bring a creative, critical and original perspective to research and its possible applications.

The Embassy of Foreign Artists residency programme is partnering with the Human Neuroscience Platform of the Campus Biotech and Flux Laboratory to offer the opportunity to apply for research and production residencies.

The purpose of the call is to offer residencies to professional artists from all fields whose project would take inspiration from the cutting-edge research conducted by the partner laboratories active within Campus Biotech.

The goal of these residencies is to promote exchanges and intersections between scientific practices and artistic practices. They are intended to encourage the emergence of new ways of formulating, perceiving and using both scientific and artistic research. Through connections between two fields, they will foster a better understanding of their respective fields of research.

The reflections and exchanges will lead to the creation of new works, or the adaptation of pre-existing works that could be integrated with, or adapted to, the experiments conducted in the laboratories, and/or complement them. The results of each residency will be presented at a public event within Campus Biotech or in a partner institution. They could be the subject of a publication in specialised scientific journals.



Alexander Serechenko & Ekaterina Pryanichnikova :



Antoine Orand :




Sean Crossley :





Arnaud Laffond : https://www.arnaudlaffond.com



Magda Stanova : http://www.magdastanova.sk/index1.html#home


Kathleen Heil : https://www.kathleenheil.net



RESIDENTs 2024 – 2025

Kurina Sohn :

