Colectivo Utopico
* 2018 (Buenos Aires, Salvador da Bahía, Geneva)
International exchange in specific contexts
Residency period: July 2021
In collaboration with Coincidencia program, Pro Helvetia
A coproducción between 7oito Produções, Fiac Bahia (Brazil), K7 Productions (Switzerland) and Plataforma LODO (Argentina). With the support of Goethe Institut Bahia (BR), Centro Cultural Recoleta, Centro Cultural 25 de Mayo, Club Cultural Matienzo, Iberescena, Proteatro, Prodanza (AR), Embassy of Foreign Artists (CH).
An artistic collaboration between Paula Baró, Marina Quesada, Rita Aquino, Felipe de Assis, Igor Cardellini, Tomas Gonzalez and Rébecca Balestra.
“Colectivo” Utópico is a transnational, transcultural platform composed by 7 artists from Argentina, Brazil and Switzerland. The members of the collective come from various practices, trainings and artistic/academic backgrounds and are working together on alternative social organizations both as a subject and as part of their process.
Between 2018 and 2020, the research the group conducts is divided in three residencies, one in each of their countries. The residencies interact with the context, the organizations and the people of the cities where they are developed.

Year : 2020-en