Embassy of Foreign Artists     



*1986, Nevers, lives and works in Lyon, France

Residency period : April to June 2022

Video and VR artist

In collaboration with the Campus Biotech and the Flux Laboratory


Arnaud Laffond is an artist and videographer whose work is characterised by the creation of virtual environments, installations and animated GIFs. Colour plays an important role in it, treated as a sculpted, processed and digitally altered material, in order to create environments between abstraction and representation, architecture and landscape, utopia and dystopia. Laffond creates dark and poetic science-fiction universes that have received acclaim and awards in many international festivals like Ars Electronica, the Mirage Festival, Cairotronica, Adaf, etc. In 2021 he won the prize for experimental work of the year from the Civil Society of Multimedia Authors (LaScam).

Project: Grotte [Cave] (provisional title)


Grotte is an inner exploration, a journey through that space created during the first lockdown, which I had trouble getting out of. So the idea will be to explore those different tunnels, which will look like the elements found in a cave, whether they be underground passages, tunnels, chasms, stalagmites, phreatic zones, etc…

During this residency, I would like to collaborate with Campus Biotech researchers on studying our brains’ representations of troubling events, in order to improve our understanding and possible treatments of these traumas.

