Luna Paese
*1987, Cosenza, Italy, lives and works in Paris
Residency period: October until December 2014
Dancer, choreographer
Luna Paese creates since 2009 her own work: Wonderland -2009- selected for the Biennale Danza Venezia, Polmone 1 -2011-, Imaginary Anatomy -2014-. She works to other performances for exhibitions and short residencies and to the project SUB with the Zona Cieca collective in 2011. After her studies in classical music in the Conservatory, she studies classical and contemporary dance. She graduates in nouveau cirque in the the academy « Alessandra Galante Garrone » in Bologna in 2004 and in psychology in the University « La Sapienza », Rome. In 2009/2010 and 2011/2012 she does the choreographic formation Transforme directed by Myriam Gourfink (Fondation Royaumont). She collaborates among others with Alexandre Da Silva, Margot Dorléans, Daniele Albanese/Cie Stalker, Effetto Larsen, Altroteatro, Sistemi Dinamici Altamente Instabili, Gabriela Gobbi, Joao Costa among others. She does her thesis in Paris 8 (Master 2 Danse), studies shiatsu in the European Institut of Shiatsu in Milan, and teaches in several contexts. She’s in residency in Maison Baron – service cantonal de la culture, département de l’instruction publique, de la culture et du sport de Genève with her project rerererewriting.

Year : 2014-en